Indulge in guilt-free goodness! Our Wholemeal Bisquets offer the classic Mexican flavour you love, crafted...
Make Mum's day unforgettable with our sunshine-filled treat! This limited-edition Mother's Day Tres Leches Cake...
Shower Mum with love! This gift card allows her to explore our entire Mother's Day...
Our exquisite vanilla sponge cake soaked in three kinds of milk and decorated with cream ...
Mexican chocolate cake layered with a fabulous flan. Covered with caramel. To maintain freshness please order...
Our most popular product! Reinvented from our Mexican roots with top-quality British farm products. Conchas (Shells)...
Exquisite vanilla sponge cake soaked in three kinds of milk and decorated with cream and...
Vanilla biscuit with ganache filling and a touch of chocolate on top. Allergens: gluten, dairy
Vanilla biscuit with strawberry or apricot jam Allergens: gluten, dairy
Delicious sweet dessert creamy and smooth, with a soft silky texture. To maintain freshness please...
Vanilla biscuit with cream cheese filling and fresh fruits on the top. To maintain freshness...
You can order custom cakes for your events! Send us an email or a message...
Choose your unique biscuit design on vanilla biscuits with Fondant on the top, each pack contains,...
Exquisite vanilla sponge cake soaked in three kinds of milk and decorated with cream and...
When you bite into a Sweet Nibble concha, you're not just savouring a taste of Mexico; you're celebrating the beauty of collaboration, the joy of fresh, organic ingredients, and the love that goes into every step, from field to oven.
Find out more.
Sweet Nibble is filled with gratitude for those who trusted us to sweeten their Christmas and Dia de Reyes celebrations. We understand the challenges facing families today, but that didn't stop us from delivering exceptional experiences, superb product quality, and warm service.
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