Exquisite vanilla sponge cake soaked in three kinds of milk and decorated with cream and...
Vanilla biscuit with cream cheese filling and fresh fruits on the top. To maintain freshness...
Sponge cake with fresh fruit and delicious buttercream
Delicious sweet dessert creamy and smooth, with a soft silky texture. To maintain freshness please...
Mexican chocolate cake layered with a fabulous flan. Covered with caramel. To maintain freshness please order...
You can order custom cakes for your events! Send us an email or a message...
Our exquisite vanilla sponge cake soaked in three kinds of milk and decorated with cream ...
Experience the delicious and bold flavours of our Mexican Margarita Tart. Made with a zesty...
Exquisite vanilla sponge cake soaked in three kinds of milk and decorated with cream and...